Trucks Motorcycles |
Trailers Recreational Vehicles |
Machinery & Industrial Equipment |
COLLATERAL REPOSSESSIONCOLLATERAL REPOSSESSIONOnce you have placed an assignment with us, we will keep you updated every 48 hours via RDN Network Systems. We assure that our efficient and professional staff members will be working on your accounts promptly. |
COLLATERAL TRANSPORTCOLLATERAL TRANSPORTWe can release collateral to an auction or, for a nominal fee, provide transportation for collateral (upon written request) to auctions, car dealers, insurance companies, salvage yards, or anywhere else you may desire. |
COLLATERAL STORAGECOLLATERAL STORAGESRS offers detailed condition reports and pictures after each repossession. Our locations have secured storage lots (both indoor and outdoor) with electrical fencing. We keep all personal property in secured storage zones and we only release collateral to those with proper ID. |
DOOR KNOCKS AND FIELD VISITSDOOR KNOCKS AND FIELD VISITSWe will visit your customers' residences to collect payment and/or leave demand letters of which you can provide. We will also attempt to place the customers on the phone with you while our agents are on-site. |
SKIP TRACINGSKIP TRACINGWe have a full time skip tracing department that has access to a comprehensive array of investigative tools. Our agents are trained to locate your collateral in the most professional and efficient manner possible. |
LOCKSMITH SERVICESLOCKSMITH SERVICESWe have a full time locksmith on staff who is a key expert, specializing in Standard, VAT, PATS, Laser, and newer "SMART" keys. We can affordably cut a multitude of keys (including transponder keys) before, during, and after a repossession. |